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Commercial Property in Delhi Available At Affordable Price

Delhi property

The demand for office space in Delhi and other NCR regions is rising. Due to the higher rentals and steady income generation the commercial properties are becoming more popular for the investors as well. Recently private equity major Blackstone has invested in one of the info park in Gurgaon. The business class people always wish to have headquarters in the top cities. This is the reason some of the companies are registered in Delhi yet their area of work is in other cities.

Headquarters is considered as the signal of reliability and fame of any company. This is the reason why most of the companies wish to have headquarters in top cities. For them the address matters. For instance which company will be considered as better by you –a company that has headquarters in a small city or in Delhi? Being the national capital there is higher demand for Commercial Property in Delhi especially by those who wish to set up their headquarters here.

Along with the expansion of these companies, the demand for Commercial Space in Delhi will be increased. With the demand for commercial properties increasing in the city, there will be a boon for commercial development. The developers are finding it hard to develop properties due to the lack of land parcels. There is no more land available for development.

This creates better appreciation for both residential and Commercial Property in Delhi. Along with higher appreciation, the rentals are also going up towards the sky. This too improves the sentiments of the investors and takers. Considering the shift of investment from residential sector to the commercial sector is the result of this. Analyzing the investment amounts in the Capital city, we can see that the investment in the commercial sector is improving now a day for sure.

Industry experts have already predicted that the office space absorption will be more in the coming years. The demand for office space in Delhi will be mainly with the expansion plans of big companies. For expanding the business, the companies need bigger offices and this will boost the demand. Many Indian and foreign companies are planning to expand this year. Most of them had postponed their expansion plans last year just because of the global economic crisis.

This year due to the sluggish real estate market the expansion will be taking place. This will ask the developers to develop more and bigger Commercial Space in Delhi and other NCR areas. However the main problem for them is the lack of industrial land for this. The builders are now looking for more vertical developments and this may have an impact in the commercial realty sector in the national capital region as a whole.